“…Several secure transmission techniques using trusted relays but at the presence of eavesdroppers are presented by Dong, Han, Petropulu, and Poor (2010) where continuous rate adaptation is utilised. Secure transmission scheme through untrusted AF relay is designed by Jeong, Kim, and Kim (2012) by beamforming for multiple input multiple output links and by Ju and Kim (2013), Sun, Zhang, Li, and Niu (2012), Yener and He (2008), Wang, Elkashlan, Huang, Tran, and Duong (2014) and Khodakarami and Lahouti (2013) for SISO links. In the works of Ju and Kim (2013), Sun et al (2012), Yener and He (2008) and Wang et al (2014), continuous link adaptation is utilised and in the work of Khodakarami and Lahouti (2013), discrete link adaptation is used.…”