The well-known topological Tverberg conjecture was considered a central unsolved problem of topological combinatorics. The conjecture asserts that for each integers r, d > 1 and each continuous map f :A proof for a prime power r was given by I. Bárány, S. Shlosman, A. Szűcs, M. Özaydin and A. Volovikov in 1981-1996. A counterexample for other r was found in a series of papers most of them recent. (The exact description of contribution of particular authors is more complex and we provide more details in historical notes.)The arguments form a beautiful and fruitful interplay between combinatorics, algebra and topology. In this expository note we present a simplified explanation of easier parts of the arguments, accessible to non-specialists in the area.1 The exact description of contribution of particular authors is more complex and we provide more details in §3.2. We do not claim that the contributions were equal, but leave it to a reader to make his/her own opinion. M. de Longueville is not included in this list because Lemma 3.1 is used not to produce a counterexample, but to construct counterexamples for d > 3r + 1 from a counterexample for d = 3r + 1.