Abstract. The classical linking number lk is defined when link components are zero homologous. In [13] we constructed the affine linking invariant alk generalizing lk to the case of linked submanifolds with arbitrary homology classes. Here we apply alk to the study of causality in Lorentzian manifolds.Let M m be a spacelike Cauchy surface in a globally hyperbolic space-time (X m+1 , g). The spherical cotangent bundle ST * M is identified with the space N of all null geodesics in (X, g). Hence the set of null geodesics passing through a point x ∈ X gives an embedded (m− 1)-sphere Sx in N = ST * M called the sky of x. Low observed that if the link (Sx, Sy) is nontrivial, then x, y ∈ X are causally related. This motivated the problem (communicated by Penrose) on the Arnold's 1998 problem list to apply the machinery of knot theory to the study of causality. The spheres Sx are isotopic to the fibers of (ST * M ) 2m−1 → M m . They are nonzero homologous and the classical linking number lk(Sx, Sy) is undefined when M is closed, while alk(Sx, Sy) is well defined. Moreover, alk(Sx, Sy) ∈ Z if M is not an odd-dimensional rational homology sphere.We give a formula for the increment of alk under passages through Arnold dangerous tangencies. If (X, g) is such that alk takes values in Z and g is conformal to b g that has all the timelike sectional curvatures nonnegative, then x, y ∈ X are causally related if and only if alk(Sx, Sy) = 0. We prove that if alk takes values in Z and y is in the causal future of x, then alk(Sx, Sy) is the intersection number of any future directed past inextendible timelike curve to y and of the future null cone of x. We show that x, y in a nonrefocussing (X, g) are causally unrelated if and only if (Sx, Sy) can be deformed to a pair of S m−1 -fibers of ST * M → M by an isotopy through skies. Low showed that if (X, g) is refocussing, then M is compact. We show that the universal cover of M is also compact.
PreliminariesWe work in the C ∞ -category, and the word "smooth" means C ∞ . An isotopy of a smooth embedding f : P → Q is a path in the space of smooth embeddings P → Q starting at f. Given an oriented manifold M m , consider its tangent bundle T M → M and put z : M → T M to be the zero section. Let R + be the group of positive real numbers under multiplication that acts on T M as (r, µ) → rµ, r ∈ R + , µ ∈ T M. We put ST M = T M \ z(M) /R + and note that the tangent bundle T M → M yields the spherical tangent bundle pr :For the reasons discussed right before Theorem 2.2, we will assume that dim M > 1. We denote by T * M → M the cotangent bundle over M, and we construct the spherical cotangent bundle pr : ST * M → M in a similar way. It is well known that ST * M possesses a canonical contact structure and that the S m−1 -fibers of ST * M are Legendrian submanifolds with respect to this contact structure, see [2] or Appendix A. Note also that the orientation of M yields canonical orientations on the fibers of spherical (co)tangent bundles. Namely, it is well known that every spherical (co)tangen...