studies is difficult because recombinations are rarely Linkage mapping generally localizes disease genes observed even within the large pedigrees that would to 1-to 2-cM regions of chromosomes. In theory, fur-be required for finer mapping of these loci (Boehnke, ther refinement of location can be achieved by popula-1994).
tion-based studies of linkage disequilibrium betweenConsequently, it will often be the case that linkage disease locus alleles and alleles at adjacent markers. mapping of disease loci leaves about 1 Mb of DNA to One approach to localization, dubbed simple disequi-be searched by the molecular geneticist, which can be librium mapping, is to determine the relative location a daunting amount unless there are natural candidate of the disease locus by plotting disequilibrium values genes in the region (e.g., Shiang et al., 1994). Any against marker locations. We investigate the simple method that narrows the amount of DNA to be mapping properties of five disequilibrium measures, searched would be important. One such method uses the correlation coefficient D, Lewontin's D , the robust linkage disequilibrium to refine the location of the dis- occurs. When evolutionary forces can be ignored, inmapping because it is directly related to the recombicluding marker and disease locus mutation, any decay nation fraction between the disease and the marker loci, and it is invariant when disease haplotypes are in disequilibrium is due solely to recombination. Under sampled at a rate higher than their population fre-this ideal scenario, and provided that the time since quencies, as in a case-control study. D yields results the disease mutation is not too long, the pattern or comparable to those of d in many realistic settings. Of curve of disequilibrium between disease and marker the remaining three measures, Q, D, and d, Q yields loci will exhibit a single maximum that occurs at the the best results. From simulations of short-term evolu-disease locus. Consequently, the amount of linkage distion, all measures show some sensitivity to marker al-equilibrium between a disease allele and closely linked lele frequencies; however, as predicted by analytic re-genetic markers may yield valuable information results, Q, D, and d exhibit the greatest sensitivity to garding the location of the disease gene. variation in marker allele frequencies across loci.