Recent insights into the dynamics of speech production serve here to explore aspects of speech perception, its less well understood counterpart, in order to shed new light on the dynamics of listening and the resolution of fluent speech per se.By drawing on contributions of the production literature, fundamental processes associated with the act of listening and interpreting the quasi-uninterrupted acoustic signal can be made explicit. Specific restoration processes are listed and exemplified to illustrate what an effective mastery of major listening strategies will encompass.The mechanics of listening comprehension are still not well understood. Although a comprehensive inventory of effective listening strategies remains a distant goal, a better grasp of major processes involved in auditory decoding, lexical decomposition and semantic Interpretation provide the means for establishing a principled set of such features for instructing L2 learners and others in the listening skill.Even more often overlooked in research up to now is the phenomenon of resyllabication. Conventional word shapes in casual speech become obscured due to the exigencies of speech production and the temporal and coarticulatory constraints associated with it. Speech, once phonated, it is imperative to keep in mind, thus has undergone significant alterations and no Brought to you by | University of California Authenticated Download Date | 6/8/15 11:12 AM