A service-learning project was completed in both a senior and sophomore-level analytical chemistry course. Both projects took place at a local wetland managed by a nonprofit volunteer group. The two classes performed an in-depth water quality analysis and soil/sediment extractions examining the spatial variation of nutrients. The senior-level class had a deep connection with the nonprofit group. The students reported their results to the nonprofit in a poster presentation, an entry in the newsletter for the nonprofit, and in a final written report. They were also required to give a more technical poster presentation at a chemistry department seminar. For the sophomore-level class, the only connection with the nonprofit group was through a field sampling event. The impact of working at the site was evaluated by a paired pre/post-survey and through standard course evaluations. For the students who completed the pre/post-survey, there was a statistically significant increase in the students' knowledge of the community. Students also report an appreciation for "real-world" application of chemistry content.