In search of methods that improve the efficiency of teaching and training in organizations, several authors point out that mass customization (MC) is a principle that covers individual needs of knowledge and skills and, at the same time, limits the development costs of customized training to those of mass training. MC is proven and established in the economic sector, and shows high potential for continuing education, too. The paper explores this potential and proposes a multidisciplinary, pragmatic approach to teaching and training in organizations. The first section of the paper formulates four design principles of MC deduced from an examination of economics literature.The second section presents amit™, a frame for mass customized training, designed according to the principles presented in the first section. The evaluation results encourage the further development and use of mass customized training in continuing education, and offer suggestions for future research.
Mass customization of teaching and training in organizationsDesign principles and prototype evaluation 1 The design of mass-customized learning
RationaleIn search of methods that improve the efficiency of teaching and training in organizations, several authors (Fried, 2008;Gabriel, Gersch & Weber, 2007;Mulder, 2005;Waslander, 2007) point out that "one-size-fits-all" learning environments, either in electronic or in traditional form, scarcely consider individual workplace requirements and problems, previous knowledge and interests, and tend to be regarded as low-grade and impersonal by both individual learners and organizations.These authors call for the implementation of customized teaching and training methods for continuing education. On the other hand, the customization of any product, including services and education, is known to considerably increase costs.Mass customization (MC) method can potentially solve this dilemma, as is already proven and established in the economical sector (Da Silveira, Borenstein & Fogliatto, 2001;Piller, 2003;Pine, 1993). MC might have high potential for education, too, however, there are still not enough studies to demonstrate this. This paper explores the potential of MC for continuing education, and proposes a multidisciplinary, pragmatic approach to teaching and training in organizations. The 5 first section formulates four design principles of MC deduced from an examination of economics literature, in order to provide a better understanding of how training can be mass customized. The second section presents amit™, a frame for mass customized learning, which makes it possible to adapt training to fit individual workplace requirements according to the principles presented in the first section.Two case studies show the implementation and the evaluation results of amit™ in public administration and in a medium-sized company with a total number of approximately 500 training participants. Thus, the authors aim at bringing the practice of continuing education into closer contact with methods and tools from t...