“…I thought that more research was needed to: - assess the significance of macropore flow for leaching of strongly adsorbing contaminants, especially the role of small‐scale processes such as rates of biodegradation and kinetic sorption effects in macropores and colloid‐bound transport Since 2007, research has shown that the quantitative contribution of colloid‐bound transport to leaching of strongly adsorbing contaminants varies greatly depending on soil and compound properties and management practices (e.g., Andersson, Bergström, Djodjic, Ulén, & Kirchmann, ; Kjaer et al, ; Ulén, Gunborg, Kreuger, Svanbäck, & Etana, ; Vendelboe, Moldrup, Heckrath, Jin, & de Jonge, ). The use of novel colloidal tracers has also provided new insights into the mechanisms of colloid and particle transport and retention in soil macropores under both field and laboratory conditions (e.g., Cey, Rudolph, & Passmore, ; Koch, Kahle, & Lennartz, ; Soto‐Gómez, Pérez‐Rodríguez, Vázquez Juiz, López‐Periago, & Paradelo, ; Soto‐Gómez, Pérez‐Rodríguez, Vázquez Juiz, López‐Periago, & Paradelo Perez, ). Enhanced degradation rates of pesticides have been measured in soil sampled from macropore linings, but the empirical evidence is still too limited to draw general conclusions (Dechesne, Badawi, Aamand, & Smets, ).