Immigrant Latino parents are invested in their children and have an authentic interest in assisting their children to acquire an education and to succeed in school, but many parents face socioeconomic, language, and cultural barriers. This qualitative study looked at a group of immigrant Latino parents whose children attend a high school that is composed of predominantly Caucasian students from well-educated, middle-to-upper-class backgrounds. The parents are involved in a program developed by the researcher and her colleague.The purpose of this study was to investigate the cultural beliefs and values of the program participants, the educational beliefs and values of the program participants, and the socioeconomic considerations of the parents.The study included a questionnaire, a focus group session, observations, and relevant documents pertaining to the program.
DedicationMy beloved husband for 30 years
My compassIraj Hejazi (1948Hejazi ( -2013 My dear friend for 20 years, a beacon of strength Elisabeth Feiss (1957 My courageous sister-in-law Sylvia Hejazi (1964 -2014) v
AcknowledgmentsThe journey has been long and arduous, but, most importantly, it has been a satisfying and rewarding experience. I would have been at a loss without the assistance of numerous individuals who offered their guidance, support, encouragement, insightful comments, gentle prodding, and overall commitment to this scholarly process and to this adventure.Ruqayya Khan graciously accepted to be my committee chair when unforeseen circumstances dictated finding a new thesis advisor. I appreciate her efforts keeping me on a timely schedule and am most grateful for her dedication to my efforts.Grace Yia-Hei Kao, my committee member, read the thesis with precision and offered astute commentary and probing questions which helped hone the concepts in the thesis.Cecelia Rios-Aguilar, my committee member, offered an understanding of immigrant Latino community, values, and beliefs that led to new ideas and avenues to explore. I want to thank the educators and staff at Claremont Graduate University who were invaluable during this process:Karen Torjesen, for her unwavering support and mentorship during the numerous years involved in obtaining my degree;Patrick Mason, for facilitating the procurement of a new thesis chair; Holly Domingo, for diligent and helpful email communications; Sarah Jaques-Ross, for guidance in the final process of the thesis, and vi all of those individuals at the Internal Review Board for keeping me on track with the paperwork and forms needed to complete my research.I want to thank the Parent Latino Initiative parents and students for agreeing to participate in this study, and for offering a window into their lives, and for sharing their voices. They are dedicated to the program, to achieving their goals, and to assisting their children in actualizing their dreams.A special thank you is in order for my colleague and dear friend, Roxanna, whose vision for the PLI program and dedication to the parents and students is inspi...