This scaling reflects only the dependence of the L-H transition power threshold on plasma density ) − n (10 m e 203 , toroidal magnetic field φ B (T), and the plasma surface area S (m 2 ). However, the threshold power has been shown to depend on additional parameters such as isotopic plasma composition, plasma shape, divertor geometry, and the beam-induced and intrinsic torque [4][5][6][7][8]. A physics-based model of the L-H transition threshold power is therefore needed to confidently extrapolate to auxiliary heating requirements for ITER and future burning plasma experiments. It was recognized early on that the H-mode edge barrier forms as fluctuations are suppressed due to E × B flow shear [9][10][11] in a narrow (few cm wide) radial layer just inside the last closed flux surface (LCFS) [12][13][14][15]. While the paradigm of Nuclear Fusion