Sea surface temperature (SST) structures are known to affect the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) dynamics via two main mechanisms: Downward Momentum Mixing (DMM) (Hayes et al., 1989;Wallace et al., 1989) and Pressure Adjustment (PA) (Lindzen & Nigam, 1987). In the DMM physics, spatial variations of SST modulate the atmospheric stability and the vertical mixing of horizontal momentum, resulting in an acceleration (deceleration) of the surface wind over relatively warm (cold) SST patches. In the PA physics, instead, the thermal expansion (contraction) of air over warm (cold) SST patches is responsible for a spatial modulation of the sea level pressure field that, through secondary pressure gradients, drives surface wind convergence (divergence) over warm (cold) SST structures.The atmospheric response mediated by these two mechanisms has been observed over different time scales and different regions of the world. Notable examples of observations and theoretical modeling of the MABL atmospheric response over annual and multi-annual scales include Minobe et al. (2008) andTakatama et al. (2015), both of which focus on a PA interpretation of the atmospheric response over the Gulf Stream. In the same region, and over other western boundary currents, other research has applied a DMM physical interpretation at multi-annual (Chelton et al., 2004), seasonal and monthly time scales (Small et al., 2008, and references therein). On the one hand, on scales of the order of few days or even shorter, the works by Chelton et al. ( 2001), Frenger