We derive explicit expressions for a specific subclass of Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity bilocal correlators, corresponding to degenerate Virasoro representations. On the disk, these degenerate correlators are structurally simple, and they allow us to shed light on the 1/C Schwarzian bilocal perturbation series. In particular, we prove that the series is asymptotic for generic weight h ∉ −ℕ/2. Inspired by its minimal string ancestor, we propose an expression for higher genus corrections to the degenerate correlators. We discuss the extension to the $$ \mathcal{N} $$
= 1 super JT model. On the disk, we similarly derive properties of the 1/C super-Schwarzian perturbation series, which we independently develop as well. As a byproduct, it is shown that JT supergravity saturates the chaos bound λL = 2π/β at first order in 1/C. We develop the fixed-length amplitudes of Liouville supergravity at the level of the disk partition function, the bulk one-point function and the boundary two-point functions. In particular we compute the minimal superstring fixed length boundary two-point functions, which limit to the super JT degenerate correlators. We give some comments on higher topology at the end.