Summation is closely related to solving linear recurrence equations, since an indefinite sum satisfies a first-order linear recurrence with constant coefficients, and a definite proper-hypergeometric sum satisfies a linear recurrence with polynomial coefficients. Conversely, d'Alembertian solutions of linear recurrences can be expressed as nested indefinite sums with hypergeometric summands. We sketch the simplest algorithms for finding polynomial, rational, hypergeometric, d'Alembertian, and Liouvillian solutions of linear recurrences with polynomial coefficients, and refer to the relevant literature for state-of-the-art algorithms for these tasks. We outline an algorithm for finding the minimal annihilator of a given P-recursive sequence, prove the salient closure properties of d'Alembertian sequences, and present an alternative proof of a recent result of Reutenauer's that Liouvillian sequences are precisely the interlacings of d'Alembertian ones.