Aims: To determine association between lip print pattern and different skeletal malocclusions and gender: Material and Methods: Lip prints of 250 patients were obtained and analyzed. Skeletal and dental class I, II, III were analyzed and gender were mentioned. Kruskal wallis test was applied and p value was derived. Level of significance was kept at .05%. Results: In skeletal Class I Males, type IV lip print is common; while in class I females IV are most common. In skeletal Class II males, Type IV. However in Class II females-Lip print type II is most common. In skeletal class III males Type I lip print is more common and class III Females Type II lip print is commonest. Conclusion: There exists a particular pattern of Lip prints in certain skeletal malocclusion and gender. Aims and objectives: To analyze the association of different lip print patterns in different skeletal malocclusion and gender and derive a relation between the two.