Six iso-nitrogenous (30% crude protein) and iso-energetic (15 kJ g À1 ) diets were prepared using di¡erent oil cake sources, viz. groundnut, soybean, sun£ower, sesame, mustard and mixed oil cakes as major ingredients, and protein sources along with a minimum of 5% ¢sh meal in each diet and were fed to silver barb Puntius gonionotus ¢ngerlings (16.20 AE 0.11g) ad libitum four times a day close to an apparent satiation level for a period of 60 days to determine the e¡ect of diets on growth, nutrient utilization, apparent digestibility coe⁄cient (ADC) of the nutrients in the diets, gut enzyme activity, muscle nucleic acid content and whole-body chemical composition of ¢sh. Significantly higher (Po0.05) weight gain, speci¢c growth rate, protein e⁄ciency ratio, nutrient retention, ADC of nutrients in the diets, DNA:RNA ratio, protease and amylase activity with lower (Po0.05) feed:gain values were recorded in ¢sh-fed groundnut and soybean oil cake-based diets than other diets tested. Among the dietary treatment groups, signi¢cantly higher (Po0.05) whole-body protein, lipid and energy were also found in groundnut oil cake-and soybean oil cake-based diets. The study suggests that the groundnut and soybean oil cake-based diets, which led to signi¢cantly higher (Po0.05) growth and nutrient utilization than the other oil cake-based diets in P. gonionotus ¢ngerlings, may be used for pond culture of this species.