Aims: Effective hypercholesterolemia management is essential in primary prevention of cardiovascular events. PROCYON assessed the perception on hypercholesterolemia management in clinical practice in Germany.Methods: The online survey included a patient questionnaire on treatment status and disease knowledge and a physician questionnaire on guideline awareness and patient management together with a conjoint analysis on cardiovascular risk factors.Results: Of 3,798 patients included, 1,632 (43.0%) received lipid-lowering medication. Of these, 790 (48.4%) reported improved low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, 670 (41.1%) reported no improvement, and 172 (10.5%) had no information. Of the treated patients with (N’=790) and without (N’=670) improvement, 52.4% vs. 47.9% were on their initial drug and dose, 8.9% vs. 9.0% received multiple drug therapy, 34.7% vs. 38.8% reported a dose change, and 16.0% vs. 19.4% had discontinued at least one drug (multiple answers).In total, 109 physicians participated. LDL-C level was attributed the highest relative importance (32.0%), followed by diabetes (24.5%) and systolic blood pressure (15.8%). Lipid-lowering therapy is initiated at an LDL-C level >150 mg/dL by 63 physicians (57.8%). One third (n=35; 32.1%) stated that ≥60% of their primary prevention patients do not receive lipid-lowering medication.Conclusion: PROCYON identified a need for consequent LDL-C target-based treatment implementation.