Kratak sadr`aj: Lipoidna pneumonija nastaje kada lipidi prodru u bronhijalno stablo. Ovaj oblik pneumonije ~esto se javlja u nekim zemljama u razvoju gde se odoj~ad, iz razli~itih razloga, tradicionalno hrani masnim proizvodima (topljenim maslom -gijem i maslinovim uljem). Analizirali smo i identifikovali masne kiseline koje se nalaze u doma }em maslacu i maslinovom ulju i uporedili ih sa masnim kiselinama pro na|enim u bronhijalnom lava`u dece sa lipo idnom pneu mo nijom. Tri masne kiseline prisutne u doma }em maslacu, ma slinovom ulju i bronhoalveolarnom lava`u su linoleinska, ole inska i stearinska. Ostale masne kiseline, naime, laurinska, miris to leinska, miristinska, penta de ken ska, pentadekanska, hepta dekenska i heptadekanska, mogu se na}i u do ma}em m a slacu i/ili maslinovom ulju, ali ne i u bron ho alveolarnom lava`u. Mo`e se, dakle, zaklju~iti da te tri ma sne kiseline izazivaju o{te}enje plu}nog paren hima koje se uo~ava u lipoidnoj pneumoniji. Potrebna su dalja istra`ivanja kako bi se utvrdio uticaj pojedina~nih masnih kiselina koje se nalaze u do ma}em topljenom mas lacu i maslinovom ulju.Klju~ne re~i: lipoidna pneumonija, gasna hromatografija, topljeni maslac (gi), metil estri, bronhoalveolarni lava`
IntroductionMineral oil lipoid pneumonia was prevalent when mineral oil was used as a base for nasal drops and also regularly as an aperient (1-8) but has now become rare with the advent of normal saline as the base of nasal drops. Lipoid pneumonia due to animal fat, homemade ghee and olive oil is still encountered in certain parts of the globe because of cultural and traditional practices involving the use of oils and fats for various reasons (9-11). In Saudi Arabia, forced feeding of infants with homemade ghee in the recumbent position is believed to be beneficial to their health; however, this has resulted in lipoid pneumonia, through clinical, radiological and pathological patterns in the acute stages, and in later stages through manifestation of bronchiectasis (11-17). Summary: Lipoid pneumonia develops when lipids enter the bronchial tree. This form of pneumonia is common in some developing countries where it is a traditional practice to give infants oily products (ghee and olive oil) for various reasons. We have analyzed and identified the fatty acids found in homemade ghee and in olive oil and compared them to fatty acids found in bronchoalveolar lavage of children with lipoid pneumonia. The three fatty acids common to homemade ghee, olive oil and bronchoalveolar lavage are linoleic, oleic, and stearic. The rest of the fatty acids, namely, lauric, myristoleic, myristic, pentadecenoic, pentadecanoic, heptadecenoic and heptadecanoic are found either in homemade ghee and/or olive oil but not in bronchoalveolar lavage. Therefore the deleterious effects to the lung parenchyma found in lipoid pneumonia are pro bably caused by these three fatty acids. Further investi ga tions are required to ascertain the effects of the individual fatty acids found in homemade ghee and olive oil.