Glutathione S-transferases (GST, E.C. comprise a family of detoxification enzymes. Elevated levels of specific GST isozymes in tumor cells are thought responsible for resistance to chemotherapeutics, which renders selective GST inhibitors potentially useful pharmaceutical agents. We discuss the development of a structure activity model that rationalizes the isozyme selectivity observed in a series of 12 glutathione (GSH) analogues. Enzymatic activity data was determined for human P1-1, A1-1, and M2-2 isozymes, and these data were then considered in light of structural features of these three GST proteins. A survey of all GST structures in the PDB revealed that GSH binds to these proteins in a single "bioactive" conformation. To focus on differences between binding sites, we exploited our finding of a common GSH conformation and aligned the GST x-ray structures using bound ligands rather than the backbones of the different proteins. Once aligned, binding site lipophilicity and electrostatic potentials were computed, visualized, and compared. Docking and energy minimization exercises provided additional refinements to a model of selectivity developed initially by visual analysis. Our results suggest that binding site shape and lipophilic character are key determinants of GST isozyme selectivity for close GSH analogues.