Exposure to psychological stress increases body temperature (Tb). This stress fever may be immunologically beneficial in some patient populations but detrimental in others (e.g., HIV-infected individuals). For this reason, it is desirable to determine pharmacological methods of preventing stress fever. In rats, stress fever is modeled by exposure to a novel environment or ‘open field.’ The β-adrenergic antagonists, nadolol and propranolol, block this stress fever. Neither of these β-antagonists discriminates between subtypes of β-receptors. The purpose of this study was to determine the relative contribution of the different β-receptor types to stress fever using β1-, β2-, and β3-receptor subtype selective antagonists (atenolol [β1], ICI-118551 [β2], and SR 59230A [β3]) and agonists (dobutamine [β1], salbutamol [β2], and BRL 37344 [β3]) on the Tb of rats. Tb was measured with a biotelemetry system. Our data suggest that central nervous system β-receptor blockade with subtype-selective antagonists prevents the stress-induced rise in Tb; however, the β3-antagonist was effective only at doses that produced hypothermia in a non-stressed control group. The stress-induced fever was mimicked by central nervous system administration of the selective β2-agonist, salbutamol, and the β3-agonist, BRL 37344. We hypothesize that the blockade of stress-induced fever by β-blockers may be due to the sedative actions of these drugs.