The myxoid/round cell liposarcoma oncogene FUS-DDIT3 is the result of a translocation derived gene fusion between the splicing factor FUS and DDIT3. In order to investigate the downstream targets of DDIT3, and the transforming effects of the FUS-DDIT3 fusion protein, we have introduced DDIT3-GFP and FUS-DDIT3-GFP constructs into a human fibrosarcoma cell line. The gene expression profiles of stable transfectants were compared to the original fibrosarcoma cell line by microarray analysis. We here report that the NFkB and C/EBP b controlled gene IL6 is upregulated in DDIT3-and FUS-DDIT3-expressing fibrosarcoma cell lines and in myxoid liposarcoma cell lines. Strong expression of the tumor associated multifunctional cytokine interleukin 6 was confirmed both at mRNA and protein level. Knockdown experiments using siRNA against CEBPB transcripts showed that the effect of FUS-DDIT3 on IL6 expression is C/EBP b dependent. Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed direct interaction between the IL6 promoter and the C/EBP b protein. In addition, the effect of DDIT3 and FUS-DDIT3 on the expression of other acute phase genes was examined using real-time PCR. We demonstrate for the first time that DDIT3 and FUS-DDIT3 show opposite transcriptional regulation of IL8 and suggest that FUS-DDIT3 may affect the synergistic activation of promoters regulated by C/EBP b and NFkB. 2,3 DDIT3 is a bZIP transcription factor known to form heterodimers with C/EBP-family members 4 and other bZIP subfamilies such as the AP-1 and ATF3 families. 5,6 Thus, DDIT3 and its oncogenic variant FUS-DDIT3 may act by binding to bZIP proteins and modulate their activity and/or specificity. DDIT3 was initially reported to act as a dominant negative modulator in the C/EBP system. 4 However, as DDIT3 harbors a basic DNA binding domain and binds DNA in a sequence specific manner, it was later proposed to act as a more broad transcriptional regulator. 7 Previous studies indicate that expression of the FUS-DDIT3 fusion protein is required for the development of MLS/RCLS and sufficient for initiation of tumors resembling MLS/RCLS in transgenic mice. 8 In order to understand the transformation process leading to this tumor type, it is crucial to identify downstream target genes of the FUS-DDIT3 fusion protein. We have introduced DDIT3-GFP and FUS-DDIT3-GFP fusion constructs into a human fibrosarcoma cell line and compared the gene expression profiles in stable transfectants with the original fibrosarcoma cell line by microarray analysis. The IL6 gene was found to be upregulated both at mRNA and protein level by the forced expression of DDIT3 or FUS-DDIT3. We show that upregulation at the IL6 promoter by DDIT3 and FUS-DDIT3 is C/EBP b dependent using siRNA knockdown and Chromatin Immuno Precipitation (ChIP) analysis. Further, DDIT3 and FUS-DDIT3 are found to have opposite effect on the expression of the inflammatory cytokine IL8.
Material and methods
Plasmid constructionThe full length coding regions of DDIT3 and FUS-DDIT3 cDNA type II 9 were cloned into the pEGFP-N...