The ideal goal of treatment, and most often the goal in practice, is the successful removal of cancer with near-zero damage to the rest of the body. As cancer is referred to a class of disease, it is unlikely to idealize a single cure for cancer. The attempt to cure cancer has been revolutionized over decades as the underlying processes have revealed more horizons of understanding. Although a number of strategies have been developed, the associated side effects have led the research to enter a new era of nanoengineering and nanotechnology. Designing versatile nanocarriers offer efficient drug delivery applications with enhanced therapeutic benefits of drug. Amphiphilic nanocarriers fall under the heading of such novel carriers which offer high circulation half-life, low risk to benefit ratio of drugs, sustained release and effective targeting. They provide a paradigm for the design of nanocarriers with a broad spectrum of functionality, applicability, and versatility of synthetic drug delivery particles.