Abstract. It is shown how to construct Lipschitz constants and moduli of continuity for the Chebyshev projection of C[0,1] onto the finite-dimensional subspace spanned by a Chebyshev system.It is well known that if X is a finite-dimensional linear subspace of a real normed space E, and if each a G E has a unique best approximant P(a) in X, then the projection P of E onto X is continuous (cf. [6, pp. 25-26]). We shall discuss this result in the context of Chebyshev approximation over [0,1].Although our discussion will take place entirely within the framework of Bishop's constructive mathematics [2,3], the results and estimates obtained below are also new to classical (that is, traditional) mathematics. Indeed, it is difficult to see how these estimates could have been obtained by someone working outside the constructive framework.Let