The authors would like to thank Dr. Sladen for his valuable discussion on our paper. As pointed out in the discussion paper, there are many assumptions, approximations, and simplifications in the procedure of predicting undrained strength of sands to trigger flow liquefaction proposed in this study, and one should be mindful of these points when applying the methodology in practical use. In this reply paper, we would like to present our comments on the discussion points with additional information about the laboratory and field test data.First, the writer questioned the accuracy and reliability of the triaxial extension and simple shear tests because of the potential errors due to strain nonuniformity and suggested that the results of extension tests shown in Fig. 8 are implausible because the figure indicates sand at a relative density D r as high as 80% may have an undrained strength ratio as low as 0.15. The lower boundary of the undrained strength shown in Fig. 8 is consistent with the triaxial extension tests on Kawagishi-cho sand. To see the test results in more detail, typical stress-strain curves and stress paths from the triaxial extension tests on Kawagishi-cho sand are plotted in Fig. DR1. The highest density of the data points in Fig. 8 is D r = 79%, where actually the sand specimen at a density as high as D r = 90% had some brittleness in triaxial extension with a minimum shear stress ratio around S u /p i ′ = 0.2, as indicated in Fig. DR1. It should be noted that we selected the minimum shear stress as the undrained strength for flow failure from the viewpoint of stability criteria as discussed in the paper. Most of the undrained triaxial extension tests were terminated with necking of the specimens, therefore the ultimate steady states could not be observed. When necking occurred, the apparent mobilized friction angle had decreased and the stress path was bent downwards as shown in Fig. DR1 because the stress components were calculated using the average cross-sectional area of the specimen. Figure DR1 indicates that the stress path from the extension test follows the straight failure line up to the strain level of a few percent to 10% larger than the strain level at quasi-steady state (the minimum stress state), and necking occurred well after the quasi-steady state. Thus it is reasonable to say that measurement of the undrained strength at quasi-steady state was not significantly influenced by strain nonuniformity of the specimen. The simple shear tests described in the paper were performed by means of a hollow cylindrical torsional shear apparatus. We believe that the simple shear test on hollow cylindrical specimen is very reliable because the dimension and shape of the horizontal cross section of the specimen are kept unchanged in the simple shear mode, and therefore there should not be any end restraint due to the friction on the rigid boundaries at the top and bottom of the sample (Yoshimine 1999). Although it is difficult to evaluate the quantitative strain nonuniformity in the specimens, t...