The constant research in therapeutics for mesothelioma has been improving their tumor response and overall survival, generating the need to propose markers that guide the doctor's therapeutic approach in a more precise way. Recently, different predictive factors have been proposed, such as mesothelin-related peptides, fibulin-3, and osteopontin associated with an image giving information about the probability of tumor response to a therapeutic agent or a combination of agents. As is well known, the importance of prognostic markers of utility lies in providing prospective information on the evolution of the patient and thus their ability to guide therapeutic decisions. Although the clinical stage and histology are currently the most described prognostic factors, recent studies have shown interest in the expression of estrogen receptor beta and calretinin, among other promising factors. Given the heterogeneity of this broad field of research in mesothelioma, it is necessary to objectively present the prognostic and predictive factors of greater clinical utility.