A simple and convenient method for the simultaneous determination of four major species of illegal additives (orlistat, cetilistat, sibutramine, and rimonabant) in health food has been developed. The analytes were separated and quantized by HPLC-PDA at 222 nm. Analytical separation was performed using a gradient elution with acetonitrile and 0.02 mol=L phosphoric acid aqueous solution on a C 18 column. The recovery of the essay was in the range of 96.1 À 97.2%. The method was reproducible with intra-and inter-day variation of less than 1%. The limit of detection was 189 ng=mL and the calibration curves showed good linearity (R 2 > 0.999). In contrast to existing methods, the proposed method has obvious advantages of simplicity, rapidity, and good applicability, and it has been applied to analyze market products successfully.