Figure 1. Overview of DNA droplets as a hybrid from DNA nanotechnology and liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) studies. A) DNA droplets, micro-scale condensates of DNA nanostructures (DNA motifs) self-assembled via sticky ends (SEs). A Y-shaped DNA motif (Y-motif) is a branched nanostructure of three single-stranded DNAs (ssDNAs) hybridized to form the branching stems. At the end of each branch, a single-stranded SE protrudes. Two basic features are highlighted: (i) Programmable interactions. DNA droplets favor sequence-specifically selective interactions as encoded in the SE sequences. (ii) Programmability in mechanical properties.The number of the SEs in a single DNA motif, serving as the valency, can be designed to determine the macroscopic rheological properties, including diffusion coefficient and viscoelastic behavior. Adapted with permission. [29]