A series of phthalimide-and 1,12-benzoperylene-1′,2′-dicarboxylic imido-linked alkynes were prepared and analyzed by UV, FT-IR, optical microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry. The possibility to convert ω-alkynes (R-(CH 2)n-CtCH) to diacetylenic compounds (R-(CH2)nCtC-CtC-(CH2)n-R) was investigated for R ) phthalimide and 1,12-benzoperylene-1′,2′-dicarboxylic imide with n ) 1, 3, and 9. Formation of the diacetylenic compound is usually straightforward (as checked by comparison with independently synthesized diacetylenes), and in some cases heat-induced polymerization of the thusformed diacetylenes proceeds directly. For the perylene imide-linked materials with n ) 1 and n ) 3 1,2-polymerization occurs, while for n ) 9 1,4-polymerization occurs. The 1,4-polymerization is also observed for the phthalimide-linked materials. For R ) phthalimide and n ) 1 this 1,4-polymerization can only be induced by further heating, while for the analogous n ) 9 compound 1,4-polymerization is already induced by UV-vis irradiation at room temperature. This is related to the flexibility of the methylene spacer in the crystal.