Polystyrenes (PS) end-functionalized with perfl uorotridecyl (PFTD), perfl uorodecyl (PFD), and perfl uoroheptyl (PFH) groups are synthesized using the corresponding perfl uoroalkyl initiators by atom transfer radical polymerization. Polymer thin fi lms deposited on silicon wafers are studied by dynamic nanoindentation (NI). NI measurements of the 15k PFTD-PS sample showed increases of about 80 and 300% in the storage and loss moduli, respectively, compared to the 15k PS homopolymer. Measurements made on different regions of the PFTD-functionalized PS show a fi vefold greater standard deviation compared to the 15k PS homopolymer. The effects for the PFD and PFH groups are smaller in all respects consistent with expectations.