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188iii c G ~the lime for rqv,*t.g ifftuuuvorn. searchmf esiIMnq data I0 =7gg a n manc l IIlIIIIIII Swll rend fll falmmitili egrding thi ,rden estimate of any~ Othtr asetOf hi 0-% "K&V 9nOm lllili .i 11111II111li l souner $r,.Oi r ota Ic lot inflion 00 oraoris and Repoili. 9 i
93-14691Analysis of intensified video photographs of a twilight venting Of excess water from space shuttle showed that the -1 mm diameter stream cavitasionally fragments within about 1 =. forming two discrete-Particle components and vaOor. The images from nearby cameras are domitiated by irregular, polydisverse water/ice droplets with sizes comparable with the venting orifice and outward velocity indistiguishable from that of the initially coherent Liquid. In contrs-st the 2VA lzz-loog quasconical mril imaged from a distant ground station consists of 1cc opaflyifl submicroO ice spberules that were produc-Ed by partial recoodensation of the overexpanded vacuum-evaporatted water gas, which are sublimating at rates that we calculated from the measured faloff of aial sunlight-scatter radiance and the energy balance of progressively roughening ice at 329 Ian altiude-, at low latitudes they cool to 180K in < 1 s. 2nd their radii transition to the Rayleigh-SCa2tttrilg range in LMi The very much larger fragmentation particles come to a slightly higher equiLibrium temperature within -2 min, and persist for a few earth orbits. Thes three components of the vented water (and other high vapor pressure liquids) radiate and scatter earthshine and solar photons. and tne orbital-velocity molecules are also excited by collisions with the residual atmlospheric gas, overlaying wide-angle conaminating foregrounds On remotc Optical sensing from onboard. The particle sizes, diensities, and tEmpes-anres derived from the visible data are applied in eswtin~fg ultraviolet and iafrared radiances of the icei'vapor-containing volumes near Shuttle Orbiter.
Optical properties Orbital-velocity molecules 12Low Rarth orbit Solar photons
PL-TR-93-2134Optical properties of water released in low earth orbit
ABSTR-CrAnalysis of intensified video photographs of a twilight venting of excess water from space shuttle showed that the -1 mm diameter stream cavitationally fragments within about I m, forming two discrete-particle components and vapor. The images from nearby cameras are dominated by irregular, polydisperse water/ice droplets with sizes comparable with the venting orifice and outward velocity indistinguishable from that of the initially coherent liquid. In contrast the 2'h ki-long quasiconical trail imaged from a distant ground station consists of accompanying submicron ice spherules that were produced by partial recondensation of the overexpanded vacuum-evaporated water gas, which are sublimating at rates that we calculated from the measured falloff of axial sunlight-scatter radiance and the energy balance of progressively roughening ice at 329 kim altitude; at low latitudes they co...