A quaternary system {methanol+methylcyclohexane+isooctane+benzene} was studied at T=303.15 K. Only after all ternary equilibria data were determined experimentally, the quaternary binodal surface could be characterized fully. For this purpose, tie line data of {methanol+methylcyclohexane+benzene} ternary systems were obtained at the same temperature, while data for {methanol+isooctane+benzene}, and {methanol+ isooctane+methylcyclohexane} were taken from literature. Experimental results show that the binodal surface with four quaternary sectional planes P 1 , P 2 , P 3 , P 4 with several methylcyclohexane/isooctane in the solid diagram is small and that the highest benzene mass fraction values beyond which only one phase is present for the methanol-rich phase and hydrocarbon-rich one, respectively, are: 0.046 and 0.053 for P 1 , 0.053 and 0.057 for P 2 , 0.055 and 0.049 for P 3 , 0.034 and 0.041 for P 4 . So, if this quaternary system contains the correct methanol and hydrocarbons concentrations, this blend can be used as a reformulated gasoline because no phase separation should be observed. The distribution of benzene between both phases was also analysed. Ternary experimental results were correlated with the UNIQUAC and NRTL equation. The UNIQUAC equation is more accurate than the NRTL equation for the ternary systems studied here. The equilibria data of the three ternary systems were used to determine interactions parameters for the UNIQUAC equation. The UNIQUAC equation fitted to the experimental data is more accurate than the UNIFAC method for this quaternary system. The main reason for this is that F is fit in the size of the quaternary binodal surface.Keywords: data, liquid-liquid equilibria, ternary system, quaternary system
b. MethodsThe experimental procedure used in the present study is the same as that reported in a previous work.2 Quantification of all components in the conjugate phases was made by gas chromatography using the internal standard method. Acetone (C 3 H 6 O) (Merck, chromatographic quality) with a mass fraction purity >0.999 (GC) was the standard compound used for this purpose. A Hewlett Packard 6890 gas chromatograph with an automatic injector (Agilent G2613A) directly connected to a Chem Station (HP G2070AA) was used. Adequate separation of the five components was obtained on a 30m long×0.25mm id0.5µm film thickness capillary column (INN Wax, cross-linked polyethylene glycol, HP 19091N-233). The temperature program used was: initial temperature 343 K for two minutes, ramp 50 K·min -1, and final temperature 473 K for another two minutes. The nitrogen carrier gas flow rate was electronically kept constantly working with a split ratio of 20:1 and with the injector maintained at 453 K. Detection was carried out by a thermal conductivity detector at 523 K. Three or four analyses were performed for each sample in order to obtain a mean mass fraction value with repeatability better than one percent.In order to obtain a calibration curve for each component of the internal standard m...