To date, iron oxides have been extensively investigated for promising high applicability in various scientific and industrial fields. In general, several forms can be distinguished with respect to their crystal structure, which drives their specific physical (in particular, magnetic) properties. In this study, the pure b-Fe 2 O 3 phase, prepared in a nanoparticle form by a solid-state synthetic strategy, was investigated by employing 57 Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, magnetization measurements, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, heat capacity measurements, and cyclic voltammetry. It is revealed that below the Néel transition temperature, b-Fe 2 O 3 behaves as a canted antiferromagnet with a small net magnetic moment. For further possible utilization in photoelectrochemical applications, an estimation of the b-Fe 2 O 3 band gap by cyclic voltammetry was performed, which was measured to be $2.2 eV. † Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Temperature evolution of the hyperne magnetic eld and quadrupole-splitting parameter for both crystallographically non-equivalent sites, values of the Mössbauer hyperne parameters derived from spectral tting, and values of the effective mass of the Mössbauer probed atom and Debye temperature. See