“…where I is the counting rate of tritium β radiation; I V is the counting rate of tritium β radiation in the volume of scintillating liquid (V); I S is the counting rate of tri tium β radiation from the liquid/liquid interface; А sp is the specific radioactivity of tritium labeled component; c org and c W are the concentrations of the substance in the oscillating liquid and water, respectively; h is the thickness of tritium beta particles registration zone of the aqueous phase; S is the separation surface area, which is, taking into account deformation at the walls, equal to capillary length (a) and bottle radius (r) and is determined as S = π(a 2 + r 2 ); and ε is the effectiveness of recording tritium β radiation in the volume of scin tillating liquid, which is determined in independent experiments by the method described in [11].…”