An experimental program has been proposed to validate a hypothesis proposed to describe the combustion instability behavior of liquid propellant rocket engines that use likedoublet injectors. This research will conduct fundamental cold flow spray experiments to determine the effect of the ratio between the average liquid jet breakup length and the impingement distance (l j /l i ) has on the sensitivity of the spray to transverse acoustic oscillations. Single jet tests with and without acoustic excitation will determine the jet breakup lengths for five injection velocities between 5 and 25 m/s. Using the single jet results, like-doublet tests with and without acoustic excitation will be conducted for several l changing the impingement angle and orifice spacing for each injection condition. Several acoustic frequencies will excite the spray above, below and at the natural breakup frequencies observed with the non-acoustic baseline experiments. Preliminary qualitative test results demonstrated fully-developed spray patterns. Impact waves were seen to distort and cause the liquid sheet to disintegrate into waves of ligaments and droplets. Nomenclature α = angle between PDPA transmitter and normal vector of liquid sheet β = off-axis angle of PDPA receiver υ = like-doublet cant half-angle θ = like-doublet impingement half-angle d o = orifice diameter l i = impingement distance l j = jet breakup length l o = orifice length l s = sheet breakup length Re = Reynolds number u = axial velocity of sheet u j = jet velocity v = lateral velocity of sheet V 1 = vertical velocity component measured by PDPA V 2 = horizontal velocity component measured by PDPA w = perpendicular velocity of sheet We = Weber number x o = orifice spacing