This data package provides recommendations for waste form physical and chemical properties to support the initial analysis of Solid Secondary Waste (SSW) disposals in the 2017 Integrated Disposal Facility (IDF) Performance Assessment (PA). At this time, specific formulations have not been identified for cementitious materials that will be used to encapsulate or solidify SSW, and no IDF-specific experiments were conducted to obtain data for the PA. Thus recommended property values are provided for a range of candidate materials, and based on a review of existing literature. Four key SSW streams were identified for emphasis due to expected inventories for contaminants of potential concern (COPC): HEPA filters, ion exchange resins, carbon adsorber beds and Ag-mordenite. Based on current disposal plans, compacted HEPA filters were considered as an encapsulated waste form and the other three key waste streams were assumed to be blended and solidified in a cementitious matrix. Considerations for alternative disposal methods were also addressed. The IDF PA team identified specific COPCs expected to be the key contributors for the PA calculations: Tc-99, I-129, Cs-137, Sr-90, uranium isotopes (and total uranium), chromium, mercury and nitrate. These species are the focus of this data package.