Purpose: This study was designed to analyze the behavioral change of knowledge structures and the trends of research topics in the quality management field. Methods: The network structure and knowledge structure of the words were visualized in map form using co-word analysis, cluster analysis and strategic diagram. Results: Summarizing the research results obtained in this study are as follows. First, the word network derived from co-occurrence matrix had 106 nodes and 5,314 links and its density was analyzed to 0.95. Average betweenness centrality of word network was 2.37. In addition, average closeness centrality and average eigenvector centrality of word network were 0.01. Second, by applying optimal criteria of cluster decision and K-means algorithm to word co-occurrence matrix, 106 words were grouped into seven clusters such as standard & efficiency, product design, reliability, control chart, quality model, 6 sigma, and service quality. Conclusion: According to the results of strategic diagram analysis over time, the traditional research topics of quality management field related to reliability, 6 sigma, control chart topics in the third quadrant were revealed to be declined for their study importance. Research topics related to product design and customer satisfaction were found to be an important research topic over analysis periods. Research topic related to management innovation was emerging state and the scope of research topics related to process model was extended to research topics with system performance. Research topic related to service quality located in the first quadrant was analyzed as the key research topic.