Lithium has been introduced into the DIII-D tokamak, and migration and retention in graphite have been characterized since no lithium was present in DIII-D initially. A new regime with an enhanced edge electron pedestal and H 98y2 ≤ 2 has been obtained with lithium. Lithium deposition was not uniform, but rather preferentially deposited near the strike points, consistent with previous 13 C experiments. Edge visible lithium light (LiI) remained well above the previous background during the entire DIII-D campaign, decaying with a 2600 plasma-second e-fold, but plasma performance was only affected on the discharge with lithium injection.Lithium injection demonstrated the capability of reducing hydrogenic recycling, density, and ELM frequency.Graphite and silicon samples were exposed to a lithium-injected discharge, using the DiMES system and then removed for ex-situ analysis. The deposited lithium layer remained detectable to a depth up to 1 m.
Abstract length (150 words):142 currently