The results of the quantitative study of the renormalization of binding energy the Wannier -Mott exciton by the isotope effect are present for the first time. For this purpose accurate measurements of the intrinsic luminescence and mirror reflection spectra of LiH x D 1−x mixed crystals with a clean surface in the temperature range 2 -100 K were carried. Nonlinear dependence of exciton binding energy E b on the isotope mass E b ∼ f(x) is caused by the bands fluctuation broadening which is connected with the isotopeinduced-disorder. Temperature dependence of exciton binding energy is briefly discussed. The extrapolation of the asymptotic linear behavior of the exciton maximum energy to T = 0 K enables to estimate the zero -point renormalization of the exciton binding energy. PACS: 32.10B; 71.20P; 78.20; 78.40F.A wide variety of novel isotope effects have been discovered on last four decades [1][2][3][4][5][6] owing to the availability of high-quality bulk semiconductor and insulator crystals with controlled isotopic composition (see, also, reviews [7-10]). Recent high resolution spectroscopic studies of excitonic and impurity transitions in high-quality samples of isotopically enriched Si have discovered the broadening bound excitons emission (absorption) lines connected with isotopeinduced-disorder as well as the dependence of their binding energy on the isotope mass [11][12][13]. The last effect was early observed on the bound excitons in diamond [14-15] and more earlier on the free excitons in LiH x D 1−x mixed crystals [16].As is well-known (see, for example [16,17,4]) the band gap energy E g in the T−→0 limit has a dependence on the average isotopic mass M due to two effects: a) the renormalization of E g by the electron-phonon interaction coupled with the dependence of the zero-point amplitudes on M (see, also [18]) and b) the dependence of the lattice constant on M , leading to a change in E g through the hydrostatic deformation potential. The electron-phonon term is dominant [19,20] and in the case of semiconductor crystals (C; Ge; Si) with a weak isotope scattering potential is varied approximately as M −1/2 . The value of the T =0 electron-phonon renormalization energy contribution to E g can be independly determined from an extrapolation of the high temperature linear dependence 1