“…Electrochemicalperformance of the 3DG-S composite in al ithium cell with DOL/DME (1:1 w/w), 1mol kg À1 LiTFSI, and 1mol kg À1 LiNO 3 electrolyte. [3] In this work we assembled the lithium-ion sulfur cell by using only as light excesso ft he anode capacity (N/P ratio 1.07), ast ypically performed in lithi-um-ion batteries to achieve high practical capacity and relevant stability.W es hould, however,m ention that ad ifferent N/ Pr atio, carefully tuned up, may actually vary the lithium-ion sulfur cell voltage and its delivered capacity.T herefore, ad ecrease in the N/P ratio can theoretically increase the practical capacity of the cell;h owever, this condition generally leads to ar elevant decrease in cell stability owing to al eak in the lithium-ionsreservoir by the effect of possible side reactions occurring at the lithiated anode duringf ull-cell cycling. b) Rate capability test in al ithium half-cell in termso fc ycling behaviora tr ates of C/10, C/8, C/5, C/3, C/2, and 1C(specific capacity on the left y axis and Coulombice fficiency on the right y axis;see FigureS3f or the related voltageprofiles).G alvanostatic cycling testsi nalithium half-cell prolonged to 100 cycles at rateso fC /3, C/2, and 1Cin termso fc )voltage profilesa nd d) cycling behavior (specific capacity on the left y axis and Coulombic efficiencyo nt he right y axis).…”