The thermal stability of lithium ion batteries was studied by means of Accelerating Rate Calorimetry in Heat-Wait-Search operation on both electrode and cell level. Fresh and aged samples were investigated depending on the state-of-charge (SoC) of a 5 Ah pouch cell comprising mesocarbon microbeads and LiNi 0.4 Co 0.2 Mn 0.4 O 2 as the anode and cathode materials. 1 M LiPF 6 in EC:DEC 3:7 (by weight) containing 2 wt% VC and 0.5 wt% LiBOB was chosen as the electrolyte. Measurements on the electrode level revealed a higher self-heating rate (SHR) of the cathode compared to the anode for all SoC and state-of-health (SoH) combinations in the temperature range where a self-sustaining decomposition reaction could be detected. A lower SoC showed a lower SHR of the electrode/electrolyte mixture with no reaction detected on the anode side ≤ 50% cell SoC. Cyclic aging led to a decrease in thermal stability of the cathode at lower SoC values with no significant influence on the anode implying a larger safety threat on the cell level. Avrami-Erofeev and autocatalytic reaction models were used to quantify the influences of SoC and SoH on reaction kinetics. Based on their high energy and power density combined with a long cycle life, high energy efficiency and low costs, lithium ion batteries are currently the state-of-the-art energy source for electric vehicles (EV). 1-3 A long cycle life requires excellent aging behavior, whereas a high energy and power density demands for a high level of safety in order to comply with automotive prerequisites. [4][5][6] Many studies have dealt with the investigation of aging and safety individually as well as their interplay. 4,[7][8][9][10][11][12][13] Yet, these interactions are not fully understood. Accelerating Rate Calorimetry (ARC) has been reported to be a promising method to measure the thermal stability of samples under quasi-adiabatic conditions. This method can be applied from single battery materials [14][15][16][17][18][19][20] up to full cells. 11,13,21 Based on the prevailing quasi-adiabatic conditions, a worst-case scenario can be simulated. With no heat dissipation taking place, the generated heat can be evaluated by measuring the temperature increase of the sample, knowing its total heat capacity. 22 This behavior can be readily transferred to real life scenarios where heat dissipation during cell failure is partially inhibited by the cell surroundings.Predicting a cell's behavior during thermal abuse conditions is a topic of major interest in order to prevent hazardous situations on the battery pack level such as the propagation of thermal runaway after a single cell failure. 23 Due to the complexity of cell thermal runaway dynamics influenced e.g. by material composition 14,15 and morphology, [24][25][26] modeling and simulation can help to identify the dominating processes and interactions within a single cell based on individual material decomposition reactions. [27][28][29] Characteristic kinetic parameters of predominantly empirical decomposition reaction models were...