The silicate weathering of continental rocks plays a vital role in determining ocean chemistry and global climate. Spatiotemporal variations in the Li isotope ratio (δ7Li) of terrestrial waters can be used to identify regimes of current and past weathering processes. Here we examine: 1) monthly dissolved δ7Li variation in the Ganges River’s lower reaches; and 2) the spatiotemporal variation of river water of the Brahmaputra, Meghna rivers, and groundwater in Bangladesh. From the beginning to maximum flood discharges of the rainy season (i.e., from June to September), Li concentrations and δ7Li in the Ganges River show remarkable changes, with a large influence from Himalayan sources. However, most Li discharge across the rainy season is at steady-state and strongly influenced by the secondary mineral formation in the low-altitude floodplain. Secondary mineral formation strongly influences the Meghna River’s Li isotopic composition along with fractionation lines similar to the Ganges River. A geothermal input is an additional Li source for the Brahmaputra River. For groundwater samples shallower than ∼60 m depth, both δ7Li and Li/Na are highly scattered regardless of the sampling region, suggesting the variable extent of fractionation. For deep groundwater (70–310 m) with a longer residence time (3,000 to 20,000 years), the lower δ7Li values indicate more congruent weathering. These results suggest that Li isotope fractionation in rivers and groundwater depends on the timescale of water-mineral interaction, which plays an essential role in determining the isotopic signature of terrestrial Li inputs to the ocean.