This journal isAs a family member of redox-flow batteries (RFBs), nonaqueous RFBs can offer wide working temperature, high cell voltage, and potentially high energy density. These key features make nonaqueous RFBs an important complement of aqueous RFBs, broadening the spectrum of RFB applications. The development of nonaqueous RFBs is still at its early research stage and great challenges remain to be addressed before successful for practical applications. As such, it is essential to understand the major components in order to advance the nonaqueous RFB technology. In this perspective, three key major components of nonaqueous RFBs: organic solvent, supporting electrolyte, and redox pairs are selectively focused and discussed, with the emphases on providing an overview for those components and on highlighting the relationship between structure and property. Urgent challenges are also discussed. To advance nonaqueous RFBs, the understanding of both components and systems is critically needed and it calls for inter-disciplinary collaborations across expertise including electrochemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, cell design, and system engineering. In order to demonstrate key features of nonaqueous RFBs, herein we also present an example of designing a 4.5 V ultrahigh-voltage nonaqueous RFB by combining BP/BP• − redox pair and ONF• + /OFN redox pair.
PERSPECTIVEThis journal is less negative charge. When ions that do not follow those assumptions are used, the working principles are still applicable with minor alterations. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 22) Figure 3. The BP-OFN nonaqueous RFB concept and its working principles. The negative electrolyte containing the BP/BP•redox pair and the positive electrolyte containing the OFN• + /OFN redox pair are separated by a Li + -conducting ceramic membrane (e.g., LiSICON). 1 M LiPF 6 is used as an example of supporting electrolyte. When the cell is being charged, BP molecules are reduced to form BP•radical anions in negative electrolyte (i.e., BP + e -= BP• -), and OFN molecules are oxidized to form OFN• + radical cations in positive electrolyte (i.e., OFN = OFN• + + e -). Meanwhile, Li + ions pass through Li + -conducting ceramic membrane from positive electrolyte to negative electrolyte. The discharging process is in reverse.