In this paper, we use the latest Higgs measurements from ATLAS and CMS to constrain the parameter space of the model of Schmaltz, Stolarski and Thaler, a Little Higgs model with two Higgs doublets, which we will refer to as the BLH model. We account for all production and decay modes explored at ATLAS and CMS in two scenarios: a general case, which assumes the h0 state is light (m h 0 ≈ 125 GeV) and the masses of the other neutral scalars (H0 and A0) are allowed to vary, and a case with a near-degeneracy between the masses of the h0 and A0 and, for some choices of parameters, the H0 states. The near-degeneracy scenario can result in an enhanced diphoton rate, as measured by ATLAS, but is largely ruled out by a combination of the h0 → τ + τ − and the heavy H0 → W + W − measurements. In the general case, we find large regions of parameter space that are in better agreement with either the ATLAS or CMS results than is the SM. However, a significantly enhanced diphoton rate is only possible through large contributions to the h0γγ effective coupling from charged Higgs bosons in a region of parameter space that borders on violation of perturbativity in the scalar sector.