LONG-TERM GOALSTask 1: The long-term goal of this task is to determine, for a broad range of frequencies (nominally 10-100 kHz), the limitations imposed by the oceanic environment on the exploitation of coherent signal structure. This understanding is required in order to optimize sonar signal processing structures (e.g. channel conditioning, especially in shallow water), for wideband signal and processor design, and for acoustic propagation modeling.
Task 2:The long-term goal of this task is to develop the capability to predict the dynamic and spatial characteristics, and the corresponding acoustic response (attenuation, local sound speed, and backscattering strength), of the bubbly wakes of Navy warships. We seek a predictive capability for how acoustic propagation and scattering vary with frequency, source-receiver geometry relative to the wake, and the shape and speed of the vessel, as well as the spatial and temporal statistics of attenuation and scattering strength in the wake.
OBJECTIVESTask 1: Since coherent signal processing relies on the signal remaining so, while the interference does not, the experimental and theoretical objectives focus on signal coherence as a function of (elapsed) time and frequency (separation and/or bandwidth), and in particular, impact of the medium and the development of a predictive capability. The scientific objectives of this task are to: 1. Directly measure the time and frequency coherence of individual paths in an acoustic ocean channel while varying the signal bandwidth and center frequency, as well as the source-receiver geometry, and characterizing the ocean boundaries and volume 2. Investigate the physical mechanisms which impact propagation through the ocean channel and which limit acoustic coherence 3. Develop acoustic propagation models which predict acoustic coherence 4. In the far term, investigate signal processing architectures that exploit knowledge of oceanic time and frequency behavior.Task 2: The scientific objectives are to understand and develop satisfactory models for (1) the spatial and temporal variation and size distribution of bubbles found in ship wakes and (2) acoustic propagation through, and scattering from, the complex in-water media caused by a warship wake.