“…There are three broad categories of preparing biological and soft materials for the electron microscope: native state (no fixation), chemical fixation, and numerous variants of cryo-fixation. Taking a brief look at these is essential to understanding the possibilities [30] Native state techniques (with yellow cell) Super-resolution light microscopy -entire image, not single molecule: STED (35 ms, 62 nm), [21,72] PALM (3 s, ≈10 nm), [31,73] STORM (3 s, 60 nm), [23] SIM (≈1 ms, 60 nm), [19] (Soft)-X-ray (≈min, ≈100 nm), [32,75] Liquid cell electron microscopy (LC-EM) (3 s, 35 nm), [26,76] Atomic force microscopy (AFM) (≈80 ms, ≈2 nm), [33,74] MINFLUX (0.1 ms (for single fluorophore tracking) -40 min (for image), 1-3 nm); [34] Dynamic cryo-EM techniques: a) conventional cryo-CLEM (>10s, ≈nm), [35] b), rapid sample transfer from light microscope to cryo-arrest device (≈4s, ≈nm), [36] c) triggered stimulation and rapid cryo-arrest (10 ms, ≈nm), [37] d) fixation of sample while observation, later cryo-substitution and cryo-EM (700 ms, ≈nm), [6,77] e) cooling of sample from stable warm equilibrium to unstable cold equilibrium (1 ms, 80 nm), [38] f) cooling of sample from unstable warm equilibrium to stable cold equilibrium (5 ms, ≈nm) [39] Details in table in appendix. B) Number of publications on correlative cryo-electron microscopy based on full text search [40] C) Schematic principle of methods for dynamic process observation for cryo-CLEM, current best experimental dynamic temporal resolutions achieved a) tracing back dynamics by correlating (cryo)-LM with (cryo)-EM: timescales of minutes.…”