Cloud computing allows users to migrate their calculations to distributed environment which will utilize more number of resources to complete execution quickly. Virtualization means multiple virtual machines (VM) on single physical machine.During process of migration, VM move one physical machine to another. In offline migration, process is stopped till the virtual machine can continue on target machine, while in live migration process can execute without interrupted. Live migration is a migration during which the VM seems to be responsive all the time from clients' perspective. In Data centre, live migration of virtual machine performs important role. Live migration has been extensively used in load balancing, energy reduction and dynamic resizing to increase availability and hardware maintenance. Which cause transferring huge number of unnecessary memory pages resulting into increase in the total migration time and downtime. Proposed approach of modifying optimized pre-copy will reduce unnecessary transfer of pages and its combination with Characteristic Based Compression (CBC) algorithm will handle two factors viz. (i) total migration time and (ii) total downtime and make migration process more effective.