S U M M A R YTwo species of Penicillium were isolated from soil by their ability to grow aerobically on L-threonine as sole source of energy and cellular carbon and nitrogen. Threonine-grown fungi contained a highly active inducible L-threonine : NAD+ dehydrogenase and a significantly less active constitutive ' biosynthetic' threonine dehydratase, but possessed no L-t hreonine : acetaldehyde lyase activity. The 2-amino-3-oxobutyrate formed by initial dehydrogenation of threonine was subsequently cleaved in both fungi to acetyl-CoA and glycine in a coenzyme-Adependent cleavage catalysed by a 2-amino-3-oxobutyrate : CoA ligase which was inducibly synthesized during growth on threonine and not during growth on acetate plus glycine.During growth of both fungi on threonine, 14C from ~-[UJ~C]threonine was rapidly incorporated into glycine and malate, and thereafter into citrate, aspartate, glutamate, succinate and various other metabolites. The time-dependent distribution of 14C among metabolites in these short-term incubations with L-[U-~*C]-threonine showed that acetyl-CoA produced by the NADf plus coenzyme-Adependent cleavage of threonine was metabolized via the tricarboxylic acid cycle plus glyoxylate cycle.Comparative enzyme induction patterns after growth of both fungi on a wide range of carbon sources showed that glycine produced by the NAD+ plus coenzyme-A-dependent cleavage of threonine was metabolized via the glycerate pathway.There was no evidence from either comparative enzyme induction patterns or incorporation of 14C from ~-[U-l~C]threonine of aminoacetone production and further metabolism by both fungi, even though a small amount of this aminoketone appeared in culture media during growth on threonine.
I N T R O D U C T I O NThe metabolism of L-threonine by fungi is previously unrecorded. Several alternative pathways of threonine catabolism have been recognized among different bacterial species. A pathway involving an initial L-threonine dehydratase (deaminating) and subsequent metabolism of the a-oxobutyrate produced via propionate to succinyl-CoA and hence the tricarboxylic acid cycle has been demonstrated in several bacteria (Whiteley, I 957). The alternative metabolism of threonine by L-threonine : acetaldehyde lyase to yield acetaldehyde and glycine has been recorded in a Bacillus species (Willetts & Turner, 1971) and also in a Pseudomonas species (Morris, I 969). A third pathway, the so-called ' aminoketone pathway', involving L-threonine : NAD+ dehydrogenase and subsequent metabolism of the initial dehydrogenation product, 2-amino-3-oxobutyrate, via aminoacetone to pyruvate, has been recorded in a Bacillus species (Willetts & Turner, 1970). A fourth pathway, also involving an initial L-threonine : NAD+ dehydrogenase, but the alternative subsequent