Organ and tissue transplant is now the treatment of choice for many end stage diseases. In the recent years, there has been an increasing demand for organs but not a similar increase in the supply leading to a severe shortage of organs for transplant resulted in increasing wait times for recipients. This has resulted in expanded donor criteria to include older donors and donors with mild disease. In spite of implementation of more stringent criteria for donor selection, there continues to be some risk of donor derived malignancy. Malignancy after transplantation can occur in three different ways: (a) de-novo occurrence, (b) recurrence of malignancy, and (c) donor-related malignancy. Donor related malignancy can be either due to direct transmission of tumor or due to tumor arising in cells of donor origin. We will review donor related malignancies following solid organ transplantation and hematopoeitic progenitor cell transplantation. Further, we will briefly review the methods for detection and management of these donor related malignancies.