Nanocasting, the three-dimensional transformation of selfassembled organic nanostructures into hollow inorganic replicas while preserving fine structural details, has recently turned out to be a versatile tool for the synthesis of porous media with new pore topologies. In the classical synthesis of mesoporous inorganic structures, [1,2] a route called ªsynergistic precipitationº, the order present in the starting material is not maintained in the product. Nanocasting, or the ªtrue lyotropic liquid-crystal approachº, [3±7] as introduced by Attard and Göltner, is different. Here, the starting high-concentration template phase is solidified by chemical-gelation reactions. In early work, it was shown that this technique offers the possibility of making a 1:1 imprint, or negative copy, of organic mesophases. X-ray scattering measurements performed throughout the process showed that the solidified hybrid inherits all the structural features of the original matrix. In order to enable nanocasting, the cast structure must be compatible with both the liquid-precursor phase as well as the final solidified replica. If this is not the case, the enormous interfaces involved (up to 1000 m 2 g ±1 ) will add up to unfavorable interface energies and the replication will break down. This is why most work is performed with sol±gel silica, [8] for which the surface chemistry is easy to address. Handling surface energies via poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) tails, first demonstrated by Pinnavaia and co-workers, [9±11] is presumably the most frequently applied tool. Here, the formation of hydrogen bridges between the silicic acid framework and the ether oxygen atoms of the PEO chains stabilize the interface. The gelation of the SiO 2 network is preferentially performed at about pH 2, close to the isoelectric point of silicic acid. More recent work on the generation of mesoporous films of other crystalline inorganic materials by evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) [12] indicates that a second property of the templates severely influences the quality of the formed mesoporous films. This is the ªrobustnessº of the self-assembly process against processing conditions, such as temperature, alcohol content, or moisture level in the gaseous headspace.[13±15] Ozin and co-workers were able to produce mesoporous crystalline titania films on the basis of the commonly used pluronics poly(ethylene oxide)±poly(propylene oxide) block copolymers, but they relied on the specific replacement of ethanol by the more hydrophobic butanol in their recipes. [16,17] Already, the switch from the only moderately hydrophobic poly(propylene oxide) to the more hydrophobic poly(ethylene-co-butylene) significantly improved the process and allowed the generation of more complex mesoporous materials, such as titanium oxides [18] or even perovskites, [19] under a wider range of conditions and with improved structural quality. The scope of the present work is therefore to synthesize and explore the applicability of a template with extreme hydrophobic contrast, compos...