This special collection, as is the case of most academic work, began as an interpersonal conversation between scholars, in this case over many small glasses of tea in a Turkish kahvehane (tea house). The nature of the discussion involved the idea that Turkish sociology was relatively under-appreciated among Anglophone sociologists, and that in the current period of globalization, it would serve the interests of sociologists in Turkey to garner greater attention from international scholars, just as it would be beneficial for scholars worldwide to know more about Turkish sociological perspectives on the types of social problems currently faced within Turkey (or the Turkish diaspora). The editorial team, Dr. Şentürk and Dr. Muschert, are very pleased to present this work, and to have played a role in bringing it from conceptualization through to completion. However, it would be remiss to fail to acknowledge that the project is a collective endeavor among editors, contributors, reviewers, and others who have offered support. In the spirit of inclusiveness, we offer our sincere thanks to those whose names do not otherwise appear in this collection, including our skilled cadre of blind peer reviewers, our skilled editorial assistant Dr. Sadia Jamil, and those at the Center for Open Access in Science (COAS) in Belgrade, Serbia, who publishes this journal. We clarify that our selection of Open Journal for Sociological Studies was deliberate due to its Open Access model, which fit our intention to bring the scholarship included here to the widest audience possible. Finally, our decision to publish in English language was similarly strategic as the language has become one of the most broadly used in global academic discourse.