We present a way for symmetric multiparty-controlled teleportation of an arbitrary two-particle entangled state based on Bell-basis measurements by using two Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states, i.e., a sender transmits an arbitrary two-particle entangled state to a distant receiver, an arbitrary one of the n + 1 agents via the control of the others in a network. It will be shown that the outcomes in the cases that n is odd or it is even are different in principle as the receiver has to perform a controlled-not operation on his particles for reconstructing the original arbitrary entangled state in addition to some local unitary operations in the former. Also we discuss the applications of this controlled teleporation for quantum secret sharing of classical and quantum information. As all the instances can be used to carry useful information, its efficiency for qubits approaches the maximal value.Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state |ψ L = 1 √ 2 (|1010 + |0101 ). Recently, Rigolin [17] showed a way to teleport an arbitrary two-qubit entangled state with a four-particle entangled state |ψ R = 1 2 (|0000 + |0101 + |1010 + |1111 ) and four-particle joint measurements.Recently, controlled teleporation for a single-qubit |χ = a| ↑ + b| ↓ [33,34] [35] have been studied. In those teleportation protocols, the qubits can be regenerated by one of the receivers with the help of the others. Those principles can be used to split a quantum secret in QSS [19]. In this paper, we will present a symmetric protocol for multiparty-controlled teleportation of an arbitrary two-particle entangled state with two GHZ states and